Monday, December 3, 2012

[PC, PS3, X360] Review Roundup - Far Cry 3

[PC, PS3, X360] Review Roundup - Far Cry 3
[Image: game-news-image-2012-ce5305de98f271743b5...c8b5db.jpg]Eurogamer - 10/10 - "That's because Far Cry 3 is all the best things about open-world gaming. It's a glorious anecdote factory, where you manufacture brilliant new memories every time you wake up in a safehouse and head out into the jungle. It's an astonishing technical achievement, as comfortable revealing incredible landscapes over the brow of a hill as it is when the setting sun winks at you through a canopy, or when the heavens open as you stalk wildlife through the trees and long grass. And it always lets you play, but it also controls the tempo - sometimes a little heavy-handedly, but always with good intentions."

EGM - 10/10 - "In the same sense that the jungles of the Rook Islands get their hooks into Brody, the game’s blend of shooting, driving, sneaking, crafting, and platforming will take hold of you as a player, making it easy to forget that you’re on the other end of a controller. In that sense, Far Cry 3 manages more than a shift on your view of its wisecracking protagonist. It’s the sort of game that makes the genre’s best look absolutely ordinary—which, in a story this beset by twists, turns, and turmoil, may just be the biggest mindf*** of them all."

IGN - 9/10 - "It’s easy to see why someone would want to visit Rook Island – it’s a stunning tropical location with plenty of fun activities, scenic views, and history worth discovering. Far Cry 3 disrupts that paradise to challenge your feelings about enjoying violence. Because of lunatics like Hoyt and Vaas, you’ll see beautiful things you never would have. You’ll do terrible things that make you uncomfortable and meet fascinating, disgusting people. You’ll sympathize with Jason Brody’s difficult choices as he turns from vapid young man into a monster. Far Cry 3 is important for the same reason as Far Cry 2. It’s a shooter that considers shooters thoughtfully, both in the way they’re designed and the way we play them, and then asks us to do the same. Should massacring hundreds be a great way to entertain ourselves? Maybe not. But it is."

Game Informer - 9/10 - "After two remarkable but uneven offerings, Far Cry finally pulls everything together in the third installment. The diverse open-world action, compelling story, and an alluring environment that begs exploration are all high water marks for the series. This is an island adventure all shooter fans should experience."

GameTrailers - 8.6/10 - "There are miles of terrain to discover in Far Cry 3, filled with numerous trials and objectives to explore at your own pace, and an excellent sense of connection with the game’s unhinged cast. The co-op and competitive multiplayer components stand as comparative low points, but chances are you’ll be so busy trekking through this vast island that you’ll likely write them off as just another symptom of jungle sickness."

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