Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello Kitty Seasons Wii New Screens and Boxart

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Let's get unsettled with this Night of the Sacrifice trailer

by JC Fletcher on Jan 21st 2011 10:00PM

Marvelous's two-player Wii horror game Ikenie no Yoru (Night of the Sacrifice) is much scarier-looking than any game starring pastel human silhouettes should be. After the break, you'll find blood-splattered walls, creepy noises, and -- who just leaves a mannequin on a couch? Why would you do that? Additionally, if you happen to read Japanese, Marvelous is posting a short "horror novel" on the game's website. Watch out for occasional screamers.

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[PS3, X360, PC] Duke Nukem Forever Officially Dated. Yes, Dated.

[PS3, X360, PC] Duke Nukem Forever Officially Dated. Yes, Dated. Duke Nukem Forever has been a joke among the games world, considering its been in development for around a decade it isn't surprising. But last year when it was revealed that Gearbox were making the long-awaited games release a reality everyone was shocked. It got even more surprising when people got a chance to play the game at various presentations, but even then we didn't have a date.

Well, grab some gum, pick up your gun and put on your shades because you'll be able to play Duke Nukem Forever when it launches in America on the 3rd of May, whilst internationally it will release on the 8th of May. That's right. And you were wondering about the demo? Well, if you picked up Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition then you should have a nifty little certificate that will give you access to the demo before it is publicly released. Currently we are waiting for word on the demo's release.

Duke Nukem Forever in May? If you had told me this last year, I would have laughed at you. But it looks like it is really happening.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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[3DS] Nintendo Stream for the 3DS Event from Amsterdam

[3DS] Nintendo Stream for the 3DS Event from Amsterdam Want to check out what they'll be showing off in Amsterdam? Then feel free to jump over here to check out the stream fresh from Amsterdam.

What are you expecting from this? Any announcements beyond dates and prices?

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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NintendoWare Weekly: Doc Clock, Glory Days

by JC Fletcher on Jan 17th 2011 10:08AM

Today, another weird PC indie finds its way to WiiWare: the time-traveling, junk-inventing adventure Doc Clock and the Toasted Sandwich of Time. There's also a city-building Qix clone ported from iOS, and a returning WiiWare demo for Bit. Trip Beat.

DSiWare features Animal Boxing, the second retail title from Gammick Entertainment to move over to a DSiWare download. There's also a surprisingly cute card game about driving competitors to bankruptcy!

WiiWare Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time (Stickmen Studios, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points): Armed with a time machine and an inventive mind, Doc Clock goes on a journey to save his cat, using contraptions built from nearby objects as vehicles, weapons, and tools.Urbanix (Nordcurrent, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): As Urbanix the tractor, you work to build a town by claiming land Qix-style, while dealing with enemies and crashers -- on Earth, the North Pole, or the Moon.Demo: Bit.Trip Beat (Aksys Games, 1-4 players, 0 Wii Points): One of the demos from the first WiiWare demo initiative is back! Move a paddle to collide with thousands of dancing pixels.DSiWare Glory Days - Tactical Defense (Odenis Studio, 1 player, 200 DSi Points): Tower defense in 60 FPS 3D. (Not 3DS-style 3D, just polygons.)Animal Boxing (Gammick Entertainment, 1-2 players, 800 DSi Points): Originally released as a retail game, Animal Boxing makes you invert your DS system, in order to put the touchscreen (and the boxing controls) on top. And then you beat up anthropomorphized animals!The Seller (Circle Entertainment, 1 player, 500 DSi Points): A card game about using money, action, and resource cards to sell as much as you can, for as high a price as you can.Alien Puzzle Adventure (Mastertronic, 1 player, 500 DSi Points): A match-three puzzle game about saving the world from a "mysterious chemical attack" by neutralizing the colorful "quarks."

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[PS3] Killzone 3 Public Beta Announced, New Trailer

[PS3] Killzone 3 Public Beta Announced, New Trailer [Image: game-news-image-2011-0296fdfc4f3a7dd4c8a...8680c8.jpg]
As the imminent release of Guerilla Games' Killzone 3 closes in (late February if you had forgotten) you may be wondering if there will be a public beta. Well, your question can now be answered and thankfully the answer is yes.

You'll be able to pick up your gun and march into the public beta on the 3rd of February and it will run through until the 15th of February. The beta will provide early access to the 'Frozen Dam' multiplayer level and will feature all three online modes (Guerilla Warfare, Warzone and Operations) as well as an offline mode called Botzone.

Quote:Guerrilla Warfare (16 players)
Guerrilla Warfare is a standalone multiplayer mode similar to classic Team Deathmatch: You and your teammates must try to kill as many of the opposing team as you can before the timer runs out. In this mode, only the downstream monitor houses and repair bay are accessible, giving the map a very frantic pace.

Warzone (24 players)
If you’ve played Killzone 2, you may already be familiar with Warzone. It’s a round-based multiplayer campaign that consists of five randomly ordered mini-missions. In this mode, the power house and penstocks directly under the dam are accessible as well, so there’s more room to come up with different strategies and approaches to your goal.

Operations (16 players)
Operations is a new multiplayer campaign which aims to deliver a more cinematic, story-based gameplay experience, similar to that of Killzone 3's single-player mode. It consists of a sequence of linear mini-missions, in which the ISA must try to secure the docks and destroy the dam, while the Helghast must try to protect the dam facility.

Botzone (one player and up to 15 bots)
Botzone is an offline multiplayer mode ideal for those looking to get to grips with the controls, the weapons or the map layout before going up against live players. Each of the aforementioned multiplayer modes can be played offline, against CPU-controlled opponents.

Check out the new trailer for the game below, it releases on the 25th of February. Will you be checking out the beta when it hits?
Written by: Kyran Morrison

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

[PS3] Rumour: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Incoming?

[PS3] Rumour: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Incoming? Label this one as rumour until we hear more, but according to the UK's Official PlayStation 3 Magazine have heard 'inside whispers' that Kojima's first three Metal Gear Solid titles could be next in line for a HD collection.

The magazine reports that Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater are set to be touched up in high definition for release in a similar fashion to the God of War Collection and Prince of Persia Trilogy. With Metal Gear Solid 4 quickly approaching its third birthday and Metal Gear Solid: Rising not due out until 2012 maybe a HD collection wouldn't be such a bad idea to keep people's minds on the Metal Gear franchise.

When more word emerges one way or another you'll find it in our portal. Would you buy a Metal Gear Solid HD Collection? The reasons for owning a PS2 are beginning to dwindle with every HD collection that gets announced or talked about.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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[PS3, X360] Silent Hill is the Star of Silent Hill - Downpour

[PS3, X360] Silent Hill is the Star of Silent Hill - Downpour [Image: game-news-image-2011-ca4554eb711254f4c92...bf9483.jpg]
The town is the star of the game you say? Yes, this is how it has been intended to be interpreted. It looks as though Vatra Games could be onto something here.

Fans of Konami's survival-horror franchise have been woeful about its studio-hopping ways but if what Brian Gomez says in Game Informer is true then we could be looking at a semi-return to form.

"If you look at the whole series, the way that we chose to look at the series - Silent Hill as an entity, a genius loci - is the character," Gomez told the mag, "Silent Hill the town is the star of the show. In the way that Jigsaw is in Saw, he's the inciting force and events transpire around him. That's what Silent Hill is like. So we see Silent Hill as the only consistent character across the whole series."

Now that is the kind of understanding we like to hear from a developer who is making the next Silent Hill game. To further increase the chances of this game being a return to form, he also hits a second nail on the head.

"It's really about who you plug into it," he added. "You get a different result whenever you plug in a different person with a different psychology, a different load of guilt or remorse that they're carrying around with them."

And the final blow? They plan on bringing back the occasional static camera as well as the free control one. Hopefully we'll get to see some footage of the new Silent Hill again soon. If you missed the other details from the Game Informer spread check out our thread here.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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[3DS] Tiny Glimpse at Kingdom Hearts 3D

[3DS] Tiny Glimpse at Kingdom Hearts 3D [Image: game-news-image-2011-3aa35b88949e81af4f1...8ee404.png]
With Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep out on shelves and Kingdom Hearts - Re:coded not far off, everyone is wondering about the next installment in the convoluted Kingdom Hearts franchise.

Square Enix showed off a teeny 8 second clip at Nintendo World over the weekend, but it wouldn't really budge more than that. Sadly, it wasn't playable at the event.

What we do know is that it is the game will lead into Kingdom Hearts 3, it will feature new Disney worlds, you'll be able to take control of Sora and Riku and last of all the theme of this game is trust.

Hopefully we'll hear some more news soon.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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[MULTI] Americas Sales Chart, Jan 2-8: Ringing in the New Year

[MULTI] Americas Sales Chart, Jan 2-8: Ringing in the New Year SOFTWARE TOP 20
1) Kinect Adventures! (X360) - 205,391 (5,009,545)
2) Just Dance 2 (Wii) - 155,296 (3,137,905)
3) Call of Duty: Black Ops (X360) - 125,657 (7,214,247)
4) New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) - 99,221 (11,229,990)
5) Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 97,273 (11,719,680)
6) Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) - 94,956 (2,006,937)
7) Kinect Sports (X360) - 83,581 (1,530,802)
8) Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3) - 77,958 (4,260,131)
9) Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 64,735 (11,399,482)
10) Mario Kart DS (DS) - 61,189 (9,665,896)
11) Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (X360) - 60,348 (1,948,382)
12) Dance Central (X360) - 56,146 (1,088,586)
13) Wii Fit Plus (Wii) - 52,499 (7,936,322)
14) Sports Champions (PS3) - 45,509 (1,293,622)
15) Madden NFL 11 (X360) - 44,532 (2,190,897)
16) Michael Jackson: The Experience (Wii) - 38,701 (1,127,938)
17) Halo: Reach (X360) - 38,438 (5,749,416)
18) Forza Motorsport 3 (X360) - 38,349 (2,666,393)
19) Disney Epic Mickey (Wii) - 38,330 (1,047,785)
20) Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) - 37,805 (1,310,011)

Nintendo DS - 146,240 (53,912,906)
Xbox 360 - 145,161 (29,914,897)
Nintendo Wii - 135,273 (40,039,671)
PlayStation 3 - 98,418 (18,307,113)
Sony PSP - 50,961 (21,487,979)
PlayStation 2 - 33,582 (55,271,787)

- The Nintendo Wii has achieved 40 million units sold in North America before either the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3 hit 30 million and 20 million respectively.
- Kinect Adventures! is the 7th Xbox 360 game to sell 5 million copies in the Americas.
- Call of Duty: Black Ops is the third title to reach 10 million in worldwide sales on Xbox 360. Across all platforms, Black Ops has now passed 20 million.
- Just Dance 2 is the 14th Wii title to sell 3 million copies in the Americas, and Donkey Kong Country Returns is the 21st to sell 2 million.
- Halo: Reach was the most pre-ordered game on a single platform in 2010, selling 1.992 million pre-orders before launching with 3.056 million. Call of Duty: Black Ops was the most pre-ordered multi-platform title, with nearly 3 million pre-orders.
- Next week's major releases: DC Universe Online (PS3)

- Lost in Shadow (Wii) - 6,670 (#195)

1) Pokemon Black/White (DS) - 243,847
2) LittleBigPlanet (PS3) - 193,375
3) Dragon Age II (X360) - 143,295
4) Dead Space 2 (X360) - 128,263
5) Gears of War 3 (X360) - 113,671
6) Dead Space 2 (PS3) - 99,310
7) DC Universe Online (PS3) - 94,789
8) Beyblade: Metal Fusion (DS) - 83,929
9) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) - 76,931
10) Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (DS) - 72,633

Written by: Mike Glubish

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[MULTI] 2011 Video Games Preview - Part III

[MULTI] 2011 Video Games Preview - Part III Bulletstorm
[Image: game-news-image-2011-a67fc5b17be4553ee90...fcbbf6.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: People Can Fly
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: February 22, 2011

Shooters have recently begun to take themselves quite seriously. Last year, titles like Medal of Honor, Halo: Reach, and Call of Duty: Black Ops tended to interrupt the action with emotional and (supposedly) meaningful interludes detailing the horrors associated with the violence. If you’re looking for a reprieve from this type of stern and solemn shooter experience, Bulletstorm may be the perfect medicine to remedy this trend of earnestness. The story in Bulletstorm follows two mercenaries, Grayson Hunt and Ishi Sato, who are part of an elite organization called Dead Echo under a futuristic confederation. When the two come to the realization that they’re working for the wrong side, they betray their commander and are exiled to the distant reaches of the galaxy, populated by all manner of grotesque creatures and mutated life-forms. Where in most shooters the primary goal is to simply survive on the way to your objectives, Bulletstorm’s focus is squarely on making sure you look damn good doing it. Equipped with an arsenal of ridiculously over-the-top weapons and stylish combat moves, creativity is the key to true success here. Players are awarded points based on the creativity of their kills: simply pumping lead into an enemy’s chest won’t net you very much, but launching in enemy into the air with the leash and pulling off a mid-air headshot, or kicking a foe into a trap you pre-rigged with explosives are good ways to start racking up the points. Multiplayer modes will encourage the same creativity rather than the standard kill counts most shooters use to gauge player performance. Bulletstorm is being co-developed by Epic and People Can Fly, so expect some outstanding use of the Unreal Engine as well as plenty of sick humour and gratuitous violence. Anyone frustrated by the somewhat stagnant state and lack of creativity in the shooter genre might like to try out Bulletstorm this February.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

[Image: game-news-image-2011-6365d844e60335f093c...4b6e41.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: Eidos Montreal
Publisher: Square Enix
Release Date: TBA 2011

It’s hard to believe that a game series like Deus Ex that is so critically acclaimed could go silent for such a long period of time, but it has been over seven years since gamers last got a taste of the popular FPS-RPG franchise. Eidos Montreal is finally ending the silence this year with Human Revolution, a prequel to the original Deus Ex. The story follows Adam Jensen in the year 2027 (25 years before the first game), a private security officer with a leading-edge company that specializes in biomechanical augmentation to enhance human abilities. When Adam falls victim to a violent attack on the firm that leaves him horribly injured, he is forced to undergo cybernetic alterations in order to survive, and the game begins from there. While on the surface Human Revolution looks like a first-person shooter, it is a role-playing game at heart. Players can allocate skill points to four different areas: combat, stealth, technology, and social. These skills will define what abilities Adam has and how strong they are, and will provide unique opportunities for solving problems and overcoming obstacles. There will also be dialogue options during conversations, dynamic AI for NPCs that will react to your behaviour and decisions, and special augmentations that will aid you in combat situations while ensuring they look both unique and stylish. Early looks at the game show a remarkably rich and detailed world with careful attention to sound design as well, so expect production values to be exceptionally high. The fact that Human Revolution is a prequel will ensure that it will satisfy long-time fans of the franchise while providing the perfect opportunity for newcomers to get acquainted with the award-winning series.

Dragon Age II

[Image: game-news-image-2011-50a60f49d347167f03f...00773a.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: March 8, 2011

Dragon Age: Origins impressed gamers in 2009 with its Tolkien-esque setting, lengthy adventure, solid gameplay, and BioWare’s signature branching storyline and morality system; but the game was certainly not without its flaws. The developer has been hard at work to alleviate those shortcomings in Dragon Age II, due out this March. Whereas Origins allowed players to choose a race and backstory to define their character, Dragon Age II has a pre-defined human character named Hawke, although appearance, gender, and class are still customizable. Hawke is known as a refugee from Lothering who is both a survivor of the Blight and the Champion of Kirkwall who rises to power throughout the story, which will be written and defined by the actions of the player over a ten-year span during a period known as the Free Marches. A new upgraded graphics engine with a revised art style will be used in the sequel, as well as improved animations and a dialogue wheel with a fully-voiced main character, previously seen in the Mass Effect series. The most significant change though will be the combat, which BioWare promises will be much smoother and more action-oriented than in the first game. Of course there will be a new cast of characters to join Hawke on his adventure, and expect romance options to be available once again. There was a slight but noticeable dip in quality from the PC to the consoles in Dragon Age: Origins, so the developer is building the sequel from the ground up on consoles, while the PC version will maintain a combat system closely related to the one in Origins. The first title was an outstanding experience, but BioWare has shown a distinct commitment to improving upon it in every way for the sequel. If they succeed, Dragon Age II should be a strong contender for 2011’s game of the year.


[Image: game-news-image-2011-a660c539d4477c77a79...af0fc9.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: Kaos Studios
Publisher: THQ
Release Date: March 8, 2011

What, you didn’t ask for another modern warfare-themed first-person shooter? Well, too bad because you’re getting (at least) one. Homefront offers a different spin on the formula, however, promoting the idea of the everyday-hero as opposed to the proverbial super-soldier protagonists portrayed in most shooters. The game takes place in the year 2027, with the United States reeling from a collapsed economy and a dissipating military presence on the world stage. Sensing the ideal opportunity to strike, a recently-unified Korea invades the diminishing world superpower. Players will experience the game not through the eyes of American soldiers, but rather in the shoes of rebellious civilians attempting to promote a resistance against the most unwelcome invaders. As a result, Homefront’s gameplay focuses on guerrilla-style tactics as opposed to calculated military strategies. Although the gameplay will feel completely familiar to FPS vets, developer Kaos Studios is hoping that the game’s despondent atmosphere and feeling of desperation will set it apart from other shooters. There will be numerous set pieces in which players will encounter innocent civilians tragically caught in the crossfire, events which the developer hopes will invoke emotional and sympathetic feelings for the player not usually characterized in these types of shooters. For example, one sequence in Denver sees the player bursting into a random suburban home to escape from an impossible firefight, only to find that they’ve endangered a mother crouching in the corner holding her baby, who is crying inconsolably throughout the firefight. There will also be a noticeable scarcity in ammunition, forcing players to collect weapons and ammo from fallen enemies. Homefront will still amount to a fairly standard FPS, but gamers have shown a hearty appetite for these types of games and Homefront looks like it should provide a solid experience.

inFamous 2

[Image: game-news-image-2011-150b1c5d396286ebb41...9e79e9.jpg]Platform(s): PS3
Developer: Sucker Punch Productions
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: TBA 2011

With universally positive reviews and nearly 2 million copies sold, it was inevitable that there would be a sequel to Sucker Punch’s 2009 PS3 hit inFamous. The follow-up picks up with a massive explosion in Empire City that nearly kills the returning protagonist, Cole. An evil entity known as The Beast wreaks havoc on the city and heads down the coast to the city of New Marais (inspired by the real-world city of New Orleans), where Cole follows in order to find a way to defeat the creature. The developer has overhauled both the close-quarters combat and the ranged combat in inFamous 2: hand-to-hand brawling will be much smoother and more cinematic than in the original, while Cole’s superpowers have been amped up significantly, now capable of disposing of enemy vehicles and mangling the game’s environments beyond recognition. New Marais will provide a more varied and interesting location to explore than Empire City and a greater variety of creatures and other baddies to pump full of high voltage, including some large-scale doozies. Sucker Punch also promises that inFamous 2 will feature a more involved and coherent storyline than the original, and aims to provide a much more cinematic experience, a goal the developer points to Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as its inspiration. Players can even carry over their saved games along with their moral choices from the first inFamous to inFamous 2, where players will be faced with more interesting and radical moral decisions that will affect the game’s outcome. Despite the first game’s popularity, there were some obvious shortcomings that held inFamous from achieving its full potential. Sucker Punch is clearly dedicated to refining and improving the experience for the sequel in nearly every way, making inFamous 2 an absolute must-play for PlayStation 3 owners this year.

MotorStorm: Apocalypse

[Image: game-news-image-2011-6d52d8211cd5098898f...02a5c9.jpg]Platform(s): PS3
Developer: Evolution Studios
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: April 12, 2011

Evolution Studios is bringing a new level of mayhem to the fourth instalment in the MotorStorm series. Apocalypse is set in an urban environment, a first for series typically defined by its off-road settings, a coastal city reminiscent of the California Bay Area. The twist, as you might discern from the game’s title, is that the city is rapidly deteriorating as it is assaulted by a devastating natural disaster. As players race through the urban environments, buildings will crumble and collapse, bridges will twist and buckle, and roads will rip apart beneath the vehicles. The destruction isn’t purely aesthetic (although it is definitely impressive to watch), rather the tracks will change in real-time as new barriers block former routes, new shortcuts open up, and debris and collapsing scenery threaten your progress. To make things even more frenetic, factions within the city will attempt to impede your progress as well, rioting in the streets, trying to run racers off the road, and shooting at competitors with firearms. A military faction will even become involved, trying to restore order by creating more obstacles to and bringing out their own firepower (like military attack helicopters equipped with missiles) to slow players down. Several new vehicle classes will be available for the first time in the series, including supercars, superbikes, choppers, muscle cars, and hot hatchers, along with the previously available line-up of MotorStorm vehicle types. The MotorStorm franchise has lost some steam since the original launched in 2006 (the last three titles combined sold less than half of the original’s 3.5 million in sales), but Apocalypse’s chaotic environments and gameplay might provide the shake-up the series needs in order to restore the lustre.

Resistance 3

[Image: game-news-image-2011-d6dbac3e1e648c9720a...4a2769.jpg]Platform(s): PS3
Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: September 6, 2011

Since the PS3’s launch back in 2006, the Resistance franchise has been the poster-child for exclusive shooters on the console. This fall, developer Insomniac Games is attempting to mould the definitive Resistance experience with the third game in the series. Set four years after the events of Resistance 2, the world has been all but conquered by the invading Chimeran force, with the remaining human survivors taking refuge in hiding, hunted by roving drones and “death squads”. One such survivor is Sentinel Joseph Capelli, who was dishonourably discharged and is in hiding with his wife and son and a small colony of survivors in Oklahoma. When Dr. Fyodor Malikov arrives with a plan to dell a significant blow to the Chimeran invasion, Capelli sets off for New York City in an attempt to put the plan into motion. While the majority of the gameplay mechanics are retained from previous entries in the series, some changes will be evident in Resistance 3. The weapon wheel is returning after being left out of Resistance 2. New environmental hazards will populate the landscape, like a bulbous plant that explodes violently when shot. Expect weapons both old and new, such as the new Mutator that releases a poisonous mist that causes enemies to break out in bulbous cysts, eventually exploding and infecting other nearby foes. In addition, enemy AI is being overhauled to make the Chimera smarter, along with new enemy types, some of them insanely large and foreboding. Weapons will be continuously upgradeable, the graphics will be further improved to ensure Resistance 3 is among the best-looking games of the year, a cooperative campaign mode will be available, and the multiplayer experience is being refined and streamlined (no more 60-player matches) and progression is said to be much tighter. All of these changes, additions, and refinements should ensure that Resistance 3 will be the best title in the series to date, which is saying a lot for a franchise that has received almost universal critical acclaim and has sold over six million copies.

SSX: Deadly Descents

[Image: game-news-image-2011-fa35e32227643e6b67a...72afb2.jpg]Platform(s): PS3, X360
Developer: EA Canada
Publisher: EA Sports
Release Date: Winter 2011

It has been a while since gamers have had a taste of the once extremely popular snowboarding franchise SSX. In fact, it has been nearly four years since SSX Blur was quietly released on the Wii to warm critical reception but rather mediocre sales. This year, series veterans will hardly recognise the snowboarding franchise normally identified for its party-hard attitude and over-the-top style. Deadly Descents adopts a noticeably darker tone, taking players to real-world locations to show off their skills. The new title follows a team that seeks to conquer near-impossible slopes in mountain ranges around the world from Antarctica to the Himalayas. Not a whole lot is known about the recently-revealed title, but EA has said that there will be some unique environmental hazards affecting each descent. For example, at high altitudes in the Himalayas, players must cruise at breakneck speed through “death zones” where the air is so thin that the rider is susceptible to blackouts if they remain in these zones for too long. In the ranges of Antarctica where temperatures drop to lethal lows, riders must follow a sunlit route so as to avoid prolonged exposure to the deadly shade. While the ultimate goal is simply to survive each run, EA assures us that it is still nearly as important to look good doing it, so hopefully the series’ trademark insane tricks that drew gamers in en masse will make a return. Fans might be turned off by the new direction for SSX, but hopefully the changes will give the series a fresh look and feel while maintaining the fun and stylish gameplay.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

[Image: game-news-image-2011-e7865a2782dbcc6f53b...9b2d8c.png]Platform(s): Wii
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date: TBA 2011

Skyward Sword’s reveal at E3 didn’t exactly get off to a legendary start. From Miyamoto’s disastrous technical problems during the live on-stage demo to the general lack of plot details, Zelda fans were left feeling sceptical about the first Zelda game to be developed specifically for the Wii (Twilight Princess was, in essence, a GameCube game ported to the Wii). Skyward Sword is said to be a prequel to Ocarina of Time, with Link being born and raised in a group of islands called Skyloft, floating amongst the clouds. When he discovers the Skyward Sword, he is able to travel back and forth to the land below, which is marred by the overwhelming presence of evil forces. The sword itself will transform into a mysterious female figure previously seen in concept art, though it is unknown what specific role she will play in the game beyond some general guidance. Skyward Sword will feature a new visual style that seems to hit a happy medium between the realistic grittiness of Twilight Princess and the cartoony cel-shaded look of Wind Waker. The game will require the use of the WiiMotionPlus peripheral, which is used extensively in the gameplay from the swordplay to the use of other special items and weapons, all at (hopefully) 1:1 precision. Despite the scepticism regarding the shoddy public showing at E3, those lucky enough to get some hands-on time with the game have unanimously put fears to rest by assuring that the controls are, in fact, spot-on. Details about the plot and environments remain relatively scarce, but if you are still apprehensive, let’s be honest here, when was the last time you played a Zelda game you didn’t like? If your answer is anything other than, “I can’t remember,” direct yourself toward the nearest shrink to have your head examined. There is no reason to believe the trend won’t continue with Skyward Sword, but we’ll wait until we can get the full experience before delivering judgement.

Tomb Raider

[Image: game-news-image-2011-19631e6f0bf5dd4a582...92f3c8.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: Crystal Dynamics
Publisher: Eidos
Release Date: TBA 2011

Lara Croft’s adventures went from legendary in its early years, devolving into boring and uninspired (Angel of Darkness), and back to respectability in recent years (Tomb Raider: Legend), but has yet to deliver an experience that rocks the industry the way the original Tomb Raider did. Developer Crystal Dynamics is looking to fix that with a reboot of the series this year. The new Tomb Raider will explore the origins of Lara, as the heroine will be a 21-year-old fresh out of the academy. She boards a ship called the Endurance on an expedition to an island off the coast of Japan. The ship gets caught in a violent storm and wrecks on the shore of the mysterious island, leaving the young and inexperienced Lara to fend for herself against the unforgiving nature of the island, along with the seemingly evil presence that inhabits it. The goal of the developer is to deliver more of a survival experience than the typical graceful style and Teflon-like strength typically characterized in Lara in past Tomb Raider titles. She has been physically redesigned to more realistic proportions, and will exhibit both physical and emotional trauma as she experiences hardships in her attempt to escape the island, embodied in the visible wounds she suffers from during the experience as well as her terrified and apprehensive demeanour. Her skills in combat and exploration will be completely undeveloped at the beginning of the game, but she will evolve into a stronger character as the game progresses, entirely capable of defending herself from the island’s enemies and obstacles. The game will offer a dark and gritty atmosphere with some impressive visuals that show, in detail, the physical wear and tear on Lara as she suffers through the struggle for survival. It is exciting to see Crystal Dynamics putting a lot of effort into taking the series in new direction in order to reinstate its status as an industry icon, and the early details seem promising. Both series vets and newcomers should look forward to Tomb Raider delivering an outstanding experience this year.

Read the rest of the 2011 Video Games Preview:
Part I
Part II
Part IV

Written by: Mike Glubish

View the original article here

[PSP] Yuna Detailed, Create-a-Quest in Dissida 012: Duodecim

[PSP] Yuna Detailed, Create-a-Quest in Dissida 012: Duodecim That's right, if you guessed from the not-very-subtle foot shot in the most recent trailer for Dissidia 012: Duodecim that Yuna would be appearing in Square's sequel then you were 100% correct. [Image: game-news-image-2011-3e3f6c445eebfada8a0...2cb370.png]
Shonen Jump has been kind enough to go into some of the meatier details of her appearance as well. She is sporting her look from Final Fantasy X and will attack using her summons (for example the magazine scan shows her dual-attacking with Shiva and Ixion). Her EX Burst is roughly translated to 'Sending off to the spirit world', and will involve her calling upon her Aeons who will each fire an attack off at the opponent, it is unknown if this includes the secret Aeons.

We have also learned that the game will feature a create-a-quest feature. So once you are done with both the original Dissidia and Dissidia 012: Duodecim's stories you will be able to dive face-first into your fanfic dreams. It is unclear how the quest creation will work or how they will be distributed but it appears quests can be shared across the country.

You can transfer character levels from the original Dissidia across to the sequel as well. That's a relief to know that my level 100 Cloud won't need to absorb another huge chunk of my spare time.

The game is slated to release on the 3rd of March in Japan and is a Q1 title for America.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

[PS3, X360, PC] Kojima Productions Hiring 'Next Gen Metal Gear Solid' Staff

[PS3, X360, PC] Kojima Productions Hiring 'Next Gen Metal Gear Solid' Staff [Image: kojimab.jpg]
With Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker well and truly finished with, and Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid: Rising up next you might be wondering what exactly Kojima Productions will be doing beyond them.

They have posted a list of jobs up for offer under the vague headline of 'Next Generation of Metal Gear Solid Series Production Staff.' According to the listing, Kojima Productions are seeking planners, programmers and CG designers for a large variety of tasks. The programming jobs specificially cite applicants should have experience on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, whilst the graphics listing is aimed at people who are interested in conducting research into next generation CG.

Maybe we will see another Metal Gear title unveiled before this year is out? Until then, Metal Gear Solid 3D is due this year and Metal Gear Solid: Rising is due out in 2012.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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[PS3] Mass Effect 2 Pre-Launch Trailer is Go

[PS3] Mass Effect 2 Pre-Launch Trailer is Go Check out the launch trailer for the upcoming release of Mass Effect 2 on the PlayStation 3. It may be late, but it doesn't make the game any less stunning. Will you be picking it up?
Written by: Kyran Morrison Quote this message in a reply

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[3DS] Rumour: Metroid Title for 3DS to be Announced on Wednesday

[3DS] Rumour: Metroid Title for 3DS to be Announced on Wednesday [Image: game-news-image-2011-de36f51fd99f466b6e2...5dfa07.jpg]
It looks like we haven't even begun to see Nintendo's full hand for the Nintendo 3DS. Jonathon Ross, who is currently pretty chummy with Nintendo, has been teasing through his Twitter account about what Nintendo will be showing off at their European 3DS event this week.

Nothing said can really be written off as concrete information until the event itself unfolds, but if you need a reason to be excited then here's one: a hopeful fan tweeted Jonathon Ross that even though he didn't expect Ross to spill any information he said he was hopeful that a new Metroid was on its way. In a typical teasing fashion, Jonathon Ross responded saying: "I think you're going to be pleased then...".

If a new Metroid is announced, what would you like to see? A new Metroid Prime? Or maybe a new side-scrolling title like Metroid: Fusion? Perhaps now is the time that Metroid: Dread will become reality? At this point it is still speculation, but Ross' tweet certainly mixes in some interesting potential.

Are you excited for the upcoming 3DS press events for America and Europe? Only a few days to go now.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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Step 1: Lightly Bump Car, Step 2: shsghfdjksfhlkgjshfglfkdjg

Step 1: Lightly Bump Car, Step 2: shsghfdjksfhlkgjshfglfkdjg As the next logical extension of this, we have cars in GTA IV with negative values for tire friction. Enjoy.

Quote this message in a reply RE: Step 1: Lightly Bump Car, Step 2: shsghfdjksfhlkgjshfglfkdjg I really wish I could play GTA4 on PC. But according to Rockstar, I have no internet connection. [Image: lfscsig.jpg]01-14-2011, 09:50 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2011 09:51 AM by Rawrmander.) RE: Step 1: Lightly Bump Car, Step 2: shsghfdjksfhlkgjshfglfkdjg Oh god that was fantastic!
Every single near-mis was legendary status!

I haven't laughed like that in a while. xDDD

*Jump on car*
*car squirms away, rebounds off building and hits him*

[Image: birdrawrcopyrt8.png]Click siggy to see my collection of siggies >.>RE: Step 1: Lightly Bump Car, Step 2: shsghfdjksfhlkgjshfglfkdjg So much win! Big Grin It's okay everyone, Cosmic is back. And he brought loo roll...

vgZero: it's ~4chan, but w/ > ePenis and < actual penis.

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[MULTI] 2011 Video Games Preview - Part IV

Crysis 2
[Image: game-news-image-2011-59ab0d9c9b932a95273...196ef6.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: Crytek
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: March 22, 2011

The first Crysis gained infamy back in 2007 for its incredible, lush visuals backed up by some rock-solid, open-ended gameplay. Developer Crytek is looking to improve upon both departments with the sequel, due out this March. Crysis 2 ditches the jungle paradise setting of the first title for the much darker, urban locales of a near-future New York City under attack by a vicious alien species. Players will play as a protagonist called Alcatraz, who has come into possession of the Nanosuit 2, the successor to the advanced military suit of the first game. The new suit comes with a variety of new features and upgrades, including the Strength and Speed modes being combined into one Power mode, a new Tactical mode, and an Infiltration mode that allows for silent melee stealth kills. Of course, gamers are probably most interested in the game’s visual upgrades, and they won’t be left disappointed. Crysis 2 runs on the brand-new CryEngine 3, and the developer is calling New York’s ravaged cityscape “catastrophically beautiful”. The system requirements for Crysis 2 are actually less demanding than the original, however Crytek assures us that the graphics quality in the sequel will exceed those in the first game, supporting 3D capabilities to boot. The urban environments of NYC will serve to add a distinct sense of verticality, as both players and enemies, who have received an AI upgrade, can use tactics that exploit multiple floors of partially-destroyed highrises, adding a new dimension to the traditional horizontal-based gameplay. Crysis 2 will be available on PC and, for the first time in the series, on consoles as well. While the console versions are unlikely to achieve the visual proficiency possible on PCs, the game will undoubtedly look impressive on all platforms. Gamers looking for a game that pushes their hardware to its technical limits while providing excellent FPS mechanics in unique open-ended environments should look no further than Crysis 2. This is not your average shooter.

Diablo III

[Image: game-news-image-2011-6b4627cb09eb1a91ccd...b599ae.jpg]Platform(s): PC
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Release Date: Q4 2011

Talk about a long time coming: it has been 11 years since gamers have gotten a fresh take on the dungeon-roaming Diablo franchise. Diablo III picks up two decades after the events of the second game and the Worldstone, which once protected the inhabitants of Sanctuary from the forces of Heaven and Hell, has been destroyed, allowing evil to once again infect Tristram. Diablo III will feature a similar style to its predecessor, utilizing a 3D overhead view of the action. There will be five character classes to choose from: the Barbarian (the only returning class from Diablo II), the Witch Doctor, the Wizard, the Monk, and the Demon Hunter. Blizzard is promising that an enhanced quest system with a random level generator and random encounter generator will be utilized to enhance replayability, along with static quests and main storyline quests, as well as class-specific quests. Sidekicks are now distinct NPCs who join the player as opposed to the disposable randomly-generated friendlies in past games. Another new addition are the Skill Runes, which are dropped by random monsters and can be attached to skills and spells to enhance their effectiveness and alter the way in which they perform. The potion bar is gone, replaced by a skill bar that allows players to assign quick bar buttons to skills and spells, while health orbs are dropped from defeated enemies to replace the need for the potion bar. Artisans can now enhance rare and magic items in addition to basic armor and weaponry, and the artisans themselves can be trained through crafting to improve their skill level, which in turn reflects on their abilities to craft and enhance equipment. These are just a few of the wealth of new features Blizzard is implementing with the hope of streamlining and improving the combat experience while easing the inventory management system. Blizzard recaptured the magic of the Starcraft series last year after more than a decade of Starcraftlessness, there’s no reason to believe they won’t accomplish it again with the legendary Diablo franchise later this year.

Forza Motorsport 4

[Image: game-news-image-2011-c5e999934e2d528e2fc...844785.jpg]Platform(s): X360
Developer: Turn 10 Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Release Date: Q3 2011

For a franchise that prides and defines itself on the “hardcore” simulation racing experience, it seems a bit odd that Turn 10 Studios would try to adapt the decisively casual gameplay-focused Kinect peripheral to the Forza series, but that’s exactly what the developer is attempting with Forza Motorsport 4. A couple of the possibilities have already been demonstrated, such as a gameplay mode where the objective is to pass as many NPC-controlled cars as possible within a specified amount of time. The twist is that the player does not control the braking or acceleration of the vehicle, which is automatically controlled for them by the computer. Instead, the player holds their hands in front of them as if gripping a steering wheel, and is tasked with navigating the car through turns and corners while dancing through traffic. Another Kinect-enabled mode is the simple ogling of the car’s features. Players can get in and out of the hyper-realistic model of a car and study it at various angles, simply pointing at different parts and features of the vehicle to get a closer look and fully-voiced, in-depth information about the car’s features. It might all seem a bit gimmicky, but early hands-on reports indicate that the motion controls are actually quite fun, and there are likely to be numerous other Kinect-enabled modes and features to be revealed in the coming months (motion-controlled maintenance and tuning anyone?). Traditionalists need not fret however, as Turn 10 has confirmed that the game will still support the regular Xbox 360 controller and other racing peripherals. If the standard addition of new cars and tracks isn’t enough to entice gamers to buy yet another car-racing simulator, perhaps Kinect will provide the proper degree of originality to motivate both car enthusiasts and casual gamers alike to pick up Forza 4. Of course, the mere mention a new Forza is probably enough to get the average gearhead’s engine revving.

I Am Alive

[Image: game-news-image-2011-840a4bace4974411594...13a29f.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: Ubisoft Shanghai
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: TBA 2011

Back in 2008, Ubisoft intrigued audiences at E3 with a teaser trailer for a mysterious title called I Am Alive. Although few details have been released since then and development has shifted studios from Darkworks to Ubisoft Shanghai, Ubisoft maintains that the title will, in fact, release at a high quality sometime in 2011. The story follows a protagonist named Adam after a massive 10.3 magnitude earthquake rocks the city of Chicago, destroying many of its buildings and infrastructure and effectively separating the city from the mainland, forcing desperate survivors to struggle to stay alive while waiting for a rescue that doesn’t seem to be coming. While we still know very little regarding the gameplay, it is obvious that the focus is on survival in what has become a dramatically devolved society in the wake of disaster. Adam will set up a rendezvous point for survivors to attract potential rescuers, meanwhile protecting himself against desperate citizens that wish to kill or steal from Adam to aid in their own survival. Players must also seek out basic necessities for survival (such as food and water), and search for Adam’s missing girlfriend. The game will be played from a first-person perspective, and weapons and vehicles can be utilized if found in working condition. That being said, survival tactics are the primary focus of the gameplay as opposed to traditional combat, so players will have to use their creativity to secure resources. One example is using an empty gun to scare enemies into giving up their loot, or a trailer that shows Adam throwing a bottle of water onto a pane of glass that gives way as a mob of frantic people rush to secure the precious resource. I Am Alive is worth making note of for its unique survival concept. Exactly how, and how well, this concept is executed is yet to be determined.

Killzone 3

[Image: game-news-image-2011-57554ede276f146ab68...676e81.jpg]Platform(s): PS3
Developer: Guerilla Games
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: February 22, 2011

The Killzone series has an interesting history of hype leading up to its releases. The first title, released in 2004 on the PlayStation 2, was branded a “Halo-killer” prior to its release, but fell considerably short of expectations. At E3 2005, Sony showed a CG “gameplay target” trailer for Killzone 2 that sparked controversy for its seemingly impossible visual quality, although this time the title lived up to expectations when it launched in 2009 with amazing graphics backed up by solid gameplay. After garnering widespread critical acclaim and selling over 2.5 million copies, expectations are for Guerilla Games to again raise the bar in the crowded shooter market. The story in Killzone 3 picks up immediately after the events of the second game: with Emperor Visari dead, the planet Helghan has fallen into a state of civil unrest as rival political factions struggle to gain power, while remaining ISA forces are caught in the middle of the infighting and must find a way to survive and escape with limited remaining resources and no reinforcements. The gameplay remains relatively intact from the last game, although some notable tweaks and changes have been made. Player movement and aiming have been made somewhat less slippery and imprecise than in Killzone 2, the melee combat has been revamped for more cinematic and brutal kills, new weapons will be added (such as a rocket launcher that fires multiple rockets simultaneously), and the use of jetpacks will be available for the first time since the PSP title Killzone: Liberation. The developer appears to have responded to complaints that the static urban grey setting was overused in the last game, as Killzone 3 will take players to snowy frozen landscapes, nuclear wastelands, an alien jungle, and even into space. Guerilla is also claiming that Killzone 3 will realize the full potential of the PlayStation 3’s technical capabilities, so expect it to be amongst the best-looking titles of this generation. Additionally, the game will feature 3D support and several new multiplayer features. Fans of the gritty sci-fi war shooter series should find plenty of exciting new content in the third instalment, however there won’t be enough changes here to draw in those who weren’t impressed by past iterations. Either way, Killzone 3 will remain among the most anticipated games of 2011.

Pokemon Black/White

[Image: game-news-image-2011-2f0b6f22e760884589f...9cd599.jpg]Platform(s): DS
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date: March 6, 2011

Pokemon has been the flagship franchise for handheld gaming for 15 years now, and that momentum will continue with Pokemon Black and White in 2011. More than 5 million people have already purchased the latest Pokemon in just four months since its release in Japan, with many more eagerly awaiting its North American and European release. Most of the staple elements of Pokemon games will remain intact for Black and White, but there will be several new gameplay features along with 156 brand new Pokemon. The most notable new features are the additions of Triple Battles and Rotation Battles. In Triple Battles, each team sends out three Pokemon who line up side-by-side and directly across from opposing Pokemon. The centre Pokemon can attack any of the three opposing crritters, but the ones on either side can only attack the Pokemon directly across from them, or the centre Pokemon. Rotation Battles will also see each team sending three Pokemon into battle, however the skirmish will be a one-on-one match with the ability to switch out the front Pokemon at any time with either of the other two without using up a turn. It is said that the Black version will feature more Rotation Battles, while the White version has more Triple Battles. Some other minor additions will be present as well, such as a Dream World that is linked to the Pokemon Global Link website to obtain unique Pokemon not available in regular gameplay. Some changes are being made to improve multiplayer matchmaking, and new mini-games have been added to for transferring Pokemon between older games and the new games. Graphics quality will be improved from past games, and Pokemon will be fully animated during battles as well. If you’re a fan of the long-standing and critically acclaimed series, you are likely to be oozing with anticipation with the prospect of dozens of new Pokemon and some exciting new features; if not, then there is unlikely to be anything here to change your mind about the franchise. Regardless of your relationship with the Pokemon brand, it is a safe bet that Black and White will sustain critical acclaim while racking up some ridiculous sales numbers this spring.

Shift 2 Unleashed

[Image: game-news-image-2011-1039f6c051ce5daccdd...4a14e6.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: Slightly Mad Studios
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: March 29, 2011

Electronic Arts has already mastered the arcade racing experience with the Need for Speed series, as evidenced by the excellent Hot Pursuit released late in 2010. It’s been a bit tougher breaking into the simulation racing market dominated by the Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo franchises, but Shift was certainly a valiant effort in 2009. Developer Slightly Mad Studios will try to raise the bar this year with Shift 2 Unleashed, which will feature more cars than any NFS game to date (more than 130) and over 100 tracks. Although the game calls itself a racing sim, there are some obvious nods to its arcade racing roots. The terrifying sense of blinding speed is being amped up for the sequel with the addition of the helmet camera. This view gives a drivers-eye view of the action framed by the visor on the helmet. The “eyes” of the camera will shift according to the situation, such as leading into a hard turn or peaking at an opponent as you bump into one another while jostling for position. When speeds start bordering on the insane, the roar of the engine becomes magnified, colours drain from the screen, and the environments blur in order to get the player’s heart pumping and palms sweating as they teeter on the brink of destruction with a single erroneous move. Additionally, Shift 2 will have a new and improved physics engine along with more highly customizable control settings. The aim is to deliver the intensity of racing at incredible speeds while maintaining an impeccable sense of realism in the environments, the accuracy in the appearance and control of each vehicle, and the physics of an actual race. While the developer concedes that it has significantly fewer cars than the recently released Gran Turismo 5, it claims what it lacks in quantity it will make up for in quality, promising the most precise and realistic controls for each vehicle while weeding out the more “irrelevant” cars. If you’re tired of the genre’s obsession with having the most cars and the most realistic-looking cars while delivering a serviceable but somewhat stale racing experience, Shift 2 Unleashed should provide the perfect balance of realism while maintaining the intensity of driving at 200 MPH.

The Last Guardian

[Image: game-news-image-2011-562842db620b9d398fa...158bd2.jpg]Platform(s): PS3
Developer: Team Ico
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: Q4 2011

It is unfortunate that despite Team Ico’s reputation for delivering gaming masterpieces, relatively few have had the privilege of experiencing their work. Gamers will have the chance to redeem themselves three-fold this year, as Ico and Shadow of the Colossus will be receiving HD remakes on the PS3, followed by a the release of a third game in the franchise with The Last Guardian. The latter follows the adventure of a young yet-unnamed boy who encounters and befriends an enormous beast known as Trico, a sort of giant amalgamation of a bird and a cat. At the beginning, the relationship is relatively uneasy and unsubstantial, but as the game progresses, so too will the bond between the boy and Trico develop into one of mutual care and reliance. Players will control the boy, who can perform basic platforming actions such running, jumping, and climbing, as well as stealth techniques to sneak by enemies, and some low-powered attacks to stun foes, should the need arise. Trico will accompany the boy for most of the adventure though, helping him to solve puzzles, traverse otherwise impossible obstacles, and to defeat enemies. In return, the boy will need to care for the creature, feeding it and pulling spears and arrows from its body. The development team has put an immense amount of effort into ensuring that Trico looks, moves, and acts naturally according to its alleged animal instincts. The result is remarkably convincing, giving the creature immediate appeal to the player. Team Ico is known for having dramatic and emotional elements to its games, and it is expected that those elements will once again be strong in The Last Guardian, with the inevitable emotional bond that will grow between the boy and his companion. If The Last Guardian delivers an experience that can rival or perhaps exceed Team Ico’s amazing past efforts, it should be right at the top of gamers’ must-play lists for 2011.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

[Image: game-news-image-2011-f6469137f93caf89ccc...cada2c.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: Ubisoft Paris
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: TBA 2011

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter really helped usher in the new generation of consoles back in 2006. Four years after the sequel (more of an update) was released, the Ghost Recon franchise is ready for an evolution. Future Soldier takes place more than a decade in the future (duh!), where an ultra-nationalist force has seized control of Russia and begins to invade neighbouring countries. The action will once again unfold primarily from a third-person perspective similar to the GRAW games, however the perspective will shift to first-person when aiming down the sights or aiming from behind cover. Speaking of which, cover is now partially destructible, forcing players to keep on the move rather than camping behind a cover spot. The developer at Ubisoft Paris is keying on the advanced weaponry and futuristic military technology at the disposal of the Ghosts as the focus for the new title. The feature that has been shown and discussed the most is the optical camouflage, which renders the wearer practically invisible, allowing for stealth tactics. Other equipment has been hinted at in preliminary teaser trailers, such as armed drones, soldier exoskeletons, shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, cross-com lenses that relay enemy information to the soldier in real-time, and “smart” ammunition technology. All of this may seem a bit sci-fi for a franchise that has historically prided itself on realism, but the developer has stated that all of the weapons and technology that appear in the game are actually currently being developed in the military. They do caution, however, that even in the game some of this technology is new and unproven, so it can only be used in very limited quantities, in particular the optical camouflage (so if you thought you could play the whole game with camouflage on, think again). The changes stemming from the futuristic technology may have some fans fearful that the tactical element of the Ghost Recon franchise has been ditched for more of an arcadey shooter (hello Rainbow Six), but with limited gameplay details or footage, it is difficult to judge at this point. If the game maintains its strategic roots, Future Soldier should provide a fresh take on the increasingly crowded modern/futuristic warfare genre.

True Crime: Hong Kong

[Image: game-news-image-2011-eab5874781af7698fc5...3849b5.jpg]Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Developer: United Front Games
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: Q2 2011

True Crime, one of the original Grand Theft Auto wannabes, is headed in a slightly different direction with Hong Kong this year. The basic premise remains the same: players will play as Wei Shen, an undercover cop in Hong Kong trying to infiltrate a notorious underground criminal organization called Sun On Yee. Shen must prove himself to the gang by completing various shady objectives for them while attempting to maintain his moral duty as a cop and still remaining undetected. Developer United Front Games is calling Hong Kong a reboot of the True Crime franchise, focusing on a more stylistic presentation and improved combat along with the traditional staples of the open-world action genre. Shen has a mastery of martial arts at his disposal for combat situations and can use environmental objects for devastating finishing moves. His athletic nature will make for some intense chase sequences where he can jump over obstacles, bob and swerve his way through crowded areas, and climb walls in pursuit of his objective. During driving segments, time will slow to a near standstill as Shen lines up the perfect shot to take down enemies. What this all amounts to is a more naturally stylish and cinematic take on the somewhat tired genre, set in the dense, colourful streets of Hong Kong. Ok, so it won’t exactly rewrite the blueprints for these open-world, crime-based experiences, but if nothing else it could provide a fun and somewhat more interesting departure from the standard GTA formula.

Read the rest of the 2011 Video Games Preview:
Part I
Part II
Part III

Written by: Mike Glubish

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[PSP2] Sony Potentially Announcing the PSP2 on the 27th of January

[PSP2] Sony Potentially Announcing the PSP2 on the 27th of January That's right folks, we could be nearing the big one. There has been constant chatter about the PSP2 since last year with several key developers talking about it (EA, Square Enix, Netherrealm) and it looks like we might be one step closer to find out what it will actually be.

Trade sources have confirmed to MCV that we'll find out exactly what form the PSP2 will take in a special press event on the 27th of January in Tokyo, Japan.

It is unclear what to expect at this point, but Sony already have a huge year lined up maybe the PSP2 is the next logical step? Stay tuned for further details, keep your eyes open for Friday's issue of MCV which features some industry insight (some which may come as a surprise)

Written by: Kyran Morrion

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Friday, January 28, 2011

[PS3, X360, PC] Shift 2: Unleashed Gets a Date in a New Teaser

[PS3, X360, PC] Shift 2: Unleashed Gets a Date in a New Teaser
Actual gameplay? Well, it'll be interesting to how this game fares. Coming out after Gran Turismo 5 and before Forza Motorsport 4, do you think it can take a seat amongst the driving simulator's greatest franchises? Or are EA just building up hype for a let down?

Now dated for the 29th of March this year, let's wait and see how it goes.

Don't forget that EA senior VP Patrick Soderlund told CVG that Shift 2: Unleashed can beat the 'sterile Gran Turismo 5'.

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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[PS3, X360, PC] Intense New Dead Space 2 Trailer

[PS3, X360, PC] Intense New Dead Space 2 Trailer As well as Mass Effect 2, EA also have Dead Space 2 coming out in a few weeks. To celebrate and get your blood pumping Visceral Games present the brand new trailer below.
Are you bold enough to step into the suit of Isaac Clarke again?

Written by: Kyran Morrison

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[PS3, X360, PC] Sledgehammer Games Developing Next Call of Duty

RE: [PS3, X360, PC] Sledgehammer Games Developing Next Call of Duty Sledgehammer Games are yet to develop a game of their own, they were founded in 2009. Some members of the studio have worked on a variety of projects in the past with other studios such as Dead Space, Ratchet & Clank and Afro Samurai.

Infinity Ward still exists. And there was a rumour awhile ago they were working on Modern Warfare 3. As for those 'bitching about getting paid', most of them have already left and joined Respawn (with the ex-Infinity Ward heads). So Infinity Ward still exists, we just don't know how good of a development studio they are at the moment, probably why Activision got them to sit this year out.

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[PSP] Persona 3 Portable Finally Receives a European Publisher

[PSP] Persona 3 Portable Finally Receives a European Publisher American and Japanese Persona fans have been plugging away at the PSP version of Persona 3 since last year whilst European fans were left waiting anxiously. Thankfully some relief has come and a publisher has been confirmed for Persona 3 Portable.

The port will be published by Ghostlight, who also worked alongside Atlus to publish Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. No official date or pricing details have been locked in yet, but Ghostlight have announced that there will be a special collector's edition when the game does go on sale.

Persona 3 Portable features tweaks upon the original PlayStation 2 outing including a tweaked story, new social links and a battle system that has been revised and based around the one featured in Persona 4. We'll drop word here when the release date is announced.

Written by: Kyran Morrison Quote this message in a reply

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[Wii] New Trailer Released for Conduit 2

RE: [Wii] New Trailer Released for Conduit 2 maybe. heck bet when this comes out no one will play the first one anymore 'cause I know I wont. well I might but barely. I'm just very excited with all the new modes the have included into game: split screen and better online multiplayer, classes, an invasion mode(like halo's firefight mode I believe},more customizable options, and I believe online supports patches oh and you dont have to exchange FC's to get friends with an ally system applied. Check my profile if you want my FC's.

[Image: istockphoto_3165316-mexican.jpg]

The mexican wants to sell oranges to you!

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Koopa Troopa Shirt

Take a look at the shirt below… it’s of a lifelike Koopa Troopa next to a mushroom and chomping on a cod black ops fire flower.

Koopa Troopa Shirt

If you like the shirt it’s only available until midnight central time… so you better hurry.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

New The Last Story Trailer

Was going to post this in the prior The Last Story post, but a trailer this awesome deserves its own. Where to even start with this one.

First, we get a more in-depth look at the gameplay to be found in the game. These clips show how Elza’s gather ability will have an effect in battle, and how strategy will be a key component in battles. The battle animations look spectacular, and it really looks like everything will move at a frenetic pace.

My only huge complaint is the running and walking animations in the game world look a bit stiff.


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Live Action Samus Aran is Glorious

Metroid: Other M has been available since August and I showed this to a friend who had never even seen it. So if you never have, it features a live-action Samus Aran and its actress is a dead-ringer.

The music track used is a Massive Attack’s “Paradise Circus”, which suits the mood of the video with emotional crescendos. Simply one of the silkiest TV spots ever.

Stay tuned for some first impressions of the game right here on WiiBlog.

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Trailer for New Sonic Game Hits Web

Sonic 4 Trailer

Last September, SEGA announced “Project Needlemouse”, the nickname for the new 2D Sonic the Hedgehog game. Recently, SEGA confirmed the official name to The publisher released a new trailer and revealed “Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1?:

The game is coming to Xbox Live, Playstation Network, and Wiiware this summer. We will finally have a sequel to Sonic & Knuckles after so many years of waiting, and not too long for call of duty black ops.

The teaser trailer for this new game highlights the past Sonic the Hedgehog games, while showing viewers what the new adventure has in store.

With many classic moves still in play, the tradition side of the game keeps its youth with a modern twist. And remember to watch out for your favorite villain, Dr. Eggman!

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Wii Review: New Super Mario Bros.

The good folks over at ComputerAndVideoGames and black ops have posted an early review for the New Super Mario. Bros… enjoy.

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Wii Wheel Used For Real Life Kart

It might have been a while since you busted out the Wii wheel to do some virtual steering. Mario Kart? These guys have taken that long hiatus and decided to use the wheel for some real life steering.


kurukuru Kart

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Everything To Know About The Last Story

The Last Story

One game which I’ve been keeping a close eye on is The Last Story, from Mistwalker Studios. The development company has been responsible for some very well renowned RPGs on the Xbox 360, and is looking to make its mark on the Nintendo Wii. The main director of the game is, Hironobu Sakaguchi, who many might not know by name. However, you might recognize his work, as he was the director/producer on the Final Fantasy series and other popular Square Enix series.

The Last Story looks to be a very unique game in the JRPG arena. The most notable inclusion will be an online multiplayer option which is usually unseen in the genre. The game will contain six player cooperative and competitive modes.

Here are some other bits of news which have been released throughout the year.

- The gameplay system will be action based, and the main hero Elza will use a skill called ‘Gather’. This skill allows players to determine the flow of combat, and attracts monsters to Elza. Other characters will have their own special skills, providing a highly varied experience.

- A replay system was initially developed for the game, but was later scrapped because the developers believed it ruined the flow of combat.

- The battle system will have auto attack turned on by default. This allows players to simply get within the vicinity of a monster in order to attack it, providing concentration more on the overall battle.

- The release date is set for January 27th, 2011. A US release date has not been announced yet, though many speculate it will be announced soon.

- The Last Story will allow players to climb walls, and many stages will have a vertical feel to them.


Elza – The main hero of The Last Story. Having lost his family when he was younger, he works as a mercenary to survive. He dreams of becoming a knight.

Kanan – Main heroine of The Last Story. She’s a mysterious girl born of noble blood, and is an orphan. She’s adventurous and leaves the comfort of her castle constantly.

Quark – Leader of the mercenary group Elza is a part of, and negotiates their jobs. He’s skilled in combat, and acts as an older brother to Elza.

Seiren – A strong personality in the group who drinks and has a foul mouth. She lovers her allies though and is dedicated.

Yuris – Youngest member of the group, who is highly skilled in magical combat.

Jackal – Another mage who use ice magic, but also swords. He’s easygoing and flirtatious but cares about the group.

Manamia – A healer who has an affinity for nature. There’s a secret in regards to her birth.

Gameplay Video:

Stay tuned for further updates. Hopefully a North America release date!

Updated: Whenever an enemy targets a player character, a glowing line is connected between the two. These lines will be color coded to designate which type of character is targeted.

Yellow – Fighter type
Purple – Archer type
Red – Wizard type

Source: Siliconera

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