Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nielsen: Streaming usage on consoles is up, adding to total console usage

by on Dec 15th 2011 1:00PM

Nielsen reports that usage of video streaming services like Hulu and Netflix on video game consoles has risen strongly over the last year. Xbox users stream video about 14 percent of the time on their consoles, PS3 users stream 15 percent of the time, and Wii users spend 33 percent of their time watching streaming video. As you can see in the chart above, that's a sizable gain all around from the 2010 figures.

Additionally, time spent on all of these consoles is generally up from year to year, which Nielsen says suggests is adding to the time users spending with their consoles (rather than taking away from time spent gaming online or doing other things). There are a few likely reasons for that: All of the consoles have increased their libraries and streaming selections over the past year, the apps that run this streaming video have been updated for access and usability, and web connections continue to get better as broadband access becomes even more prevalent.

Nielsen promises a full writeup of consumer entertainment choices and time spent in the full 2011 report, due out early next year.

View the original article here


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