Monday, September 26, 2011

[X360] Review Roundup - Gears of War 3

[X360] Review Roundup - Gears of War 3
[Image: game-news-image-2011-3f0a97507cfb100f0ae...ec12bf.jpg]IGN - 9/10 - "Gears of War 3 represents state-of-the-art design and gameplay where you become the king badass among a gory world of bad-asses. Every third-person, cover-based shooter from here on out will likely be compared to Gears 3, and it provides a fitting and poignant-- if sometimes cheesy -- closing chapter to the trilogy. The noted hitches, design decisions and ‘been-there, done-that’ feel of much of the content colors the overall experience, but it certainly didn’t keep me from having one hell of a good time. I imagine you’ll feel the same."

1UP - A- - "As time goes on, it's clear that more developers will invest in this strategy of becoming a "mega-game" with a shelf-life that goes far beyond the game's release week. Call of Duty's doing it, Gears is following suit, Valve's got multiple titles including Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, and the upcoming Counter-Strike: GO that are doing the same thing. As amazing as all these games are, there just isn't enough time to invest and play all of them to their fullest. I'm not sure I'll be able to do that with Gears of War 3, but I know those of you that do choose to do so will have a blast."

Eurogamer - 8/10 - "Gears of War 3, then. In its multiplayer, all you could have reasonably asked for; in its visuals, new heights reached, while cracks of old age are papered over; in its story, a fitting conclusion; and in its campaign, though short of the consistent brilliance of its predecessor, a mostly rousing and memorable spectacle. So where do you go after "bigger, better and more badass?" You go to your fans and give them that which they crave. But now Epic has surely exhausted the formula in its current form - and, probably, on current-gen - the really exciting question is: where next?"

GameTrailers - 9.4/10 - "Gears of War 3 is a fantastic experience that's sure to make new fans with innovative new multiplayer options that give players plenty of room to experiment and find their niche. There are moments in every act of the campaign that would serve as grand finales in most other games, and it's done so well that it will make you want to play through the whole series all over again."

GameSpot - 9.5/10 - "Though it is an undeniably intense shooter, it scales very well to accommodate a range of skill levels. This is just one facet of the pervasive attention to detail that suffuses the whole game and gives you the sense that you are experiencing the pinnacle of the series. From the taut Versus competition to the two great cooperative modes, Gears of War 3 delivers immensely entertaining experiences on both sides of The Locust War. But the real triumph is the campaign, a masterpiece of exciting gameplay and emotional storytelling that stands head and shoulders above its predecessors. Even if you don't remember where you were on Emergence Day, this is one adventure you won't soon forget."

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