Friday, July 15, 2011

[Wii U] EA Sports' Peter Moore Discusses Wii U

[Wii U] EA Sports' Peter Moore Discusses Wii U
[Image: game-news-image-2011-584e1cdbbee399c9e5c...8d127f.jpg]
Some major players in the video game industry have been voicing their support for Nintendo's next console in recent weeks. Add EA Sports president Peter Moore to the Wii U bandwagon, as he voiced his support in a recent interview with IGN.

"For sports games in which plays are involved, how do we utilize the controller?" said Moore. "Madden being the most obvious example: masking you intentions against your competitor that sat on the couch who could see what plays you're calling. Secondly we're delighted that it's high-def, which is important to sports games. The fidelity of the imagery is important. Lastly, with online, Nintendo is very committed to having a powerful online, both with infrastructure and building a community, which is very important to us at EA Sports, and so it all comes together very nicely."

Furthering his point on Nintendo's more aggressive stance toward online gaming, Moore added, "Nintendo has recognized the future is connected. The future is online. The future is about building powerful communities. They know they have to do that, and certainly with the conversations I've been in with them I'm very optimistic. We all need to help them, which we're all willing to do. When I say 'we' I mean developers and publishers bringing their best practices. I think it would be great to have three, powerful online game networks going at it with each other."

Moore also pointed out that due to the system's vastly improved graphics capabilities, there will be "some incredible cost savings" versus development on the Wii, which had obvious technical limitations compared to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. As for when we will get to see what exactly EA Sports is cooking up for the Wii U, Moore stated, "We've got the development kits and we're working on things. As the teams emerge over the next few months all the ideas will start percolating to the surface. We'll probably start talking more in the fall about some more specifics about what you'll see from EA Sports."

Written by: Mike Glubish

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